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Qui sommes-nous

Vidéos à propos du programme HIPPY en général

Qu’est-ce que le programme HIPPY ?
HIPPY autochtone
Enseignement à domicile pour les parents d’enfants d’âge préscolaire
United Way HIPPY Program

Vidéos à propos du programme HIPPY en général

What is HIPPY?
HIPPY - Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters
Indigenous HIPPY Program
United Way HIPPY Program

HIPPY multiculturel

English Subtitles
French Subtitles
Adoptez un lecteur 2022 - Special Guest Canadian Illustrator/Author Barbara Reid
Women's Insight Project

Programmes novateurs

Programmes novateurs

Adopt a Reader Campaign 2022 - Special Guest Canadian Illustrator/Author Barbara Reid
Supporting Mothers And Raising Toddlers (SMART)
Women's Insight Project (WIP)

HIPPY multiculturel

Opening Remarks: Opening Remarks and Overview of Canada’s 2030 Agenda by Minister Jenna Sudds
Keynote: Working for a Better Community and a Better World by Nora Fyles
Keynote: Take the Leap
by Pashtana Durrani
Keynote: Care is the heart of an economy that works for women by Lauren Ravon
Reflections and key takeaways
by Alana Livesey
Fireside chat: Supporting grassroot led community action to accelerate progress to the SDGs 
Mothering During COVID-19: A Discussion between Sophie G. Trudeau, Sharon Johnston and HIPPY mothers.
Mothers Matter Centre - Community Discussion Series
Parenting and Resettlement: A Mothers Matter Centre & ISSofBC Research Workshop

Research and Engagement

Programmes novateurs

Mothering During COVID-19: A Discussion between Sophie G. Trudeau, Sharon Johnston and HIPPY mothers.
Mothers Matter Centre: Discussion Series
Parenting and Resettlement: A Mothers Matter Centre & ISSofBC Research Workshop

MMC Campaigns

Men Like Me Campaign (English)
Men Like Me Campaign (French)

Special Events

The 20th anniversary celebration is a testament to the tireless dedication of the centre's staff, volunteers, and supporters who have contributed to its success. 

From Loss to Landing

In response to Operation Syria in 2018, Mothers Matter Canada received a grant to develop human-centered settlement innovations for newly arrived and high-risk refugee mothers and their children to enhance their wellbeing and dignity. These innovations became our Reviving Hope and Home program for high-risk, government-assisted refugee mothers.


In partnership with the Immigrant Services Society of BC, Mothers Matter Canada developed and delivered a responsive, personalized system of settlement services that met the complex and evolving needs of vulnerable, government-assisted refugee mothers from arrival to settlement. Together, we demonstrated that the activities truncated what would otherwise have been prolonged periods of social disengagement and isolation typically experienced by extremely vulnerable refugee women.


More work is needed. Mothers Matter Canada will build on the resources and tools that proved successful in the 2015-2018 Reviving Hope and Home program.



Refugee mothers and their families arrive in Canada after unspeakably arduous journeys replete with violence, loss, and extreme uncertainty. The process of landing and settling presents yet another new and unforeseen set of challenges. Mothers Matter Canada film offers rare insight into the refugee family experience, the trials of settlement, and the accomplishment of settling in their new home.


To watch the film, please click the video below.

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