Espace média
Communiqués de presse (traductions non disponibles)
HIPPY et le Centre Mothers Matter dans la presse (traductions non disponibles)
Canadian Immigrant – July 21, 2020:
Program meets the needs of vulnerable mothers and families during COVID-19
Calgary Herald – May 10th, 2018:
Lois Mitchell, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, honoured as a prominent Canadian mother by Mothers Matter Centre.
Israel turn parents into teachers to get poor kids school-ready.
The Philanthropist– May 12, 2020:
COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on women raises tough questions for a philanthropic community wary of applying a gender lens to its investments.
The Province – May 10th, 2018:
Lois Mitchell, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, honoured as a prominent Canadian mother by Mothers Matter Centre.
Ottawa Business Journal – May 17, 2017:
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau recognized by HIPPY Canada as positive role model
Vancouver Sun – September 16, 2018:
Bond to Literacy program for preschooler helps whole family
CBC Calgary Radio Interview – May 5th, 2018:
Because Mothers Matter recognizes 2 Calgary women.
Recherchez-vous plus d’information ?
Pour plus d’information, faire une demande d’entrevue ou obtenir d’autres ressources qui ne sont pas encore disponibles sur le site du Centre Mothers Matter, veuillez communiquer avec :
Amy Zhou
Coordinatrice de projets