Genet’s HIPPY Story: ‘I think HIPPY was the only way to get out of my situation.’
In her former home country of Eritrea, Genet was used to being a social butterfly. Once she came to Canada, however, her social life...
Genet’s HIPPY Story: ‘I think HIPPY was the only way to get out of my situation.’
1150 Tablets Handed Out to HIPPY Families
“Getting the family involved in the educational process is a great opportunity.”
“We have had so many mothers interested.”
“The HIPPY Program will break the isolation of newcomer families.”
Loly’s Lifeline: Indigenous HIPPY
Adopt-a-Reader 2020
Celebrating 20 Years of Life-Changing Work
2020 Conference Moved to October 2020
The Resilience and Determination of Refugee Mothers
Presenting Research at the International Metropolis Conference 2019
SMART: A Program for Kids Under Three