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Working Women Community Centre of Toronto (Malvern)
Working Women Centre of Toronto Hosts the Oldest and Largest Site in Canada
The Working Women Centre of Toronto has the distinguished honour of hosting the oldest and largest site in Canada. In 2003, HIPPY Toronto opened its first site in the Jane and Finch community, a Toronto neighbourhood known for youth violence and troubled schools. After the news got out about the success of that first HIPPY site, it did not take long for Working Women’s entrepreneurial executive director, Marcie Ponte, to secure funding for an additional three sites.
Working Women has continued to sustain its program and innovate others, such as the Young Moms HIPPY program and the Refugee program. They now serve more than 300 families at six sites. Working Women is the home of five HIPPY programs and the AFIP project (Accelerated Family Integration Project) dedicated to refugees in the Toronto regional district.
Site: Malvern Community
The HIPPY site in the Malvern community in Toronto has operated since 2008 at the Working Women Community Centre. Three Home Visitors serve 42 newcomer and citizen families.
Angela’s insight into the HIPPY Program:
The opportunity to interact and work with young children and adults is an honour. We have learned from each other, and grown.
Success story:
HIPPY showed me first steps in working life and I’m so happy and proud of myself.
For more information, please visit: https://www.workingwomencc.org/