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HIPPY Brooks at the Spec Association from Children & Families

SPEC Focuses on the Positive Development of Kids by Providing a Continuum of Services from Early Intervention to High Intervention During Crisis

HIPPY Brooks began in September 2014, serving immigrant and refugee families in the community of Brooks, Alberta. The program is funded by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and housed at the SPEC Association for Children & Families. Established in 1978, SPEC began as a fee-for-service program with Alberta Social Services and Community Health. SPEC is focused on the positive development of kids by providing a continuum of services from early intervention to high intervention during crisis. By providing family support services, SPEC continues to focus on a variety of preventive and educational programs that promote a caring and committed community where kids are resilient and valued.


Last year HIPPY Brooks worked with 51 families with 60 children who spoke more than nine languages and came from 13 countries. The HIPPY Brooks staff comprises a Program Coordinator and four Home Visitors.


Insight into the HIPPY Program:

We are incredibly proud of the community of Brooks, a small city in Southern Alberta with a huge reputation due to its cultural diversity. In Brooks, you will find 100 languages spoken by families from all over the world. Our community embraces the unique challenges of immigrants coming to this cold desert city and helps make the immigration and integration experience positive and welcoming. HIPPY in Brooks serves 51 mothers and continues to meet new families who want the HIPPY program. HIPPY mothers are growing and learning because of the HIPPY program. It’s been a pleasure to witness mothers in their third or fourth year of the program become independent, hardworking mothers who contribute significantly to the community.


Success Story:


Hui wanted to become a Home Visitor in the future. However, she was nervous and shy and didn’t believe she would work anywhere but at our local meat-packing plant. Hui’s Home Visitor encouraged Hui and gave her self-confidence by delivering the HIPPY program every week and empowering her to be her child’s first teacher. Her career aspiration was to work for SPEC and help people. In September we interviewed and hired Hui as a Home Visitor. 


Hui said, “When I left my job at JBS Canada, the HR person asked, ‘What is your reason for leaving JBS?’ I answered: ‘Because I want to change my life. I want to help people and be an example for my daughters.’”

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