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Adopt-a-Reader builds leadership skills of parents by offering opportunities to share their knowledge.
Campaign Guide 2023

What is Adopt-a-Reader?
The Adopt-a-Reader campaign is organized by Mothers Matter Centre – Proud Home of the HIPPY Program in Canada – and First Book Canada. The campaign reinforces leadership skills of HIPPY parents by providing them with a structured opportunity to share their knowledge about early literacy with other parents in their community.
Who can participate?
Both HIPPY families and non-HIPPY families with children ages 2-5!
How does it work and how much does it cost?
HIPPY families ‘adopt’ or recruit a non-HIPPY family to join the Adopt-a-Reader campaign for 2 weeks and support them throughout the campaign. HIPPY and non-HIPPY families read with their children for 15 minutes a day for 15 days. Every family who participates receives 2-3 free books from First Book Canada. Families track their reading time, and receive a certificate of achievement and an additional free book at the end of the campaign. A Celebration of Reading event is organized at the end of the campaign to bring families together virtually and celebrate their achievement.
The Adopt-a-Reader campaign is completely free of charge for families who participate!
What are the dates and what is the time commitment?
The time commitment is 15 minutes a day for 15 days.
The 2023 Adopt-a-Reader campaign ran from February 20th, 2023 to March 10th, 2023. The Celebration of Reading event took place virtually on March 10th, 2023, with Marie-Louise Gay as the featured author!

How can I support this great initiative?
You can donate below! As a donor, you will receive a tax receipt and be invited to attend the touching Celebration of Reading event that is held in your city to socialize with the families directly. This is an opportunity to speak to refugee, newcomer and Indigenous families as they spark the love of reading in their children, despite the challenges they faced on their way to Canada.
Your support means the world to us!